by Jami Galindo
Thoughts for the day are on directions, instructions, warning signs, caution labels, and information packets. In our everyday lives we are constantly scanning our environment for information. Information is critical for us as cognitive thinking beings to keep us safe and healthy. Information helps us get where we need to be (on time), it warns us of hazards to keep us safe. The same goes for the files and suggestions we place here regarding your parrot. We are not going to tell you something is bad for your bird if there was not a multitude of information to support it. It is your choice to heed the warnings, read the signs, and study the information but I urge you to do so.
Scenario 1. You are driving in a car and you see a yellow sign with a stoplight on it. This is fair warning that you are coming to an intersection that is controlled by stoplights. Now it is at this point a cautious, informed driver will use the information just presented. Another option is to ignore the information presented to you. Will you get smashed every single time you pass through the intersection? Who knows? Chances are no, but chances are it will eventually result in harm.
Scenario 2. You are at the doctor and he tells you that you are diabetic and you should avoid foods that interfere with insulin. You go home or to the library and you research all the best foods and diet to keep yourself as healthy as possible. You have the info and you set yourself a great routine and you manage your health issues. Now your neighbor gets the same diagnosis. You can share the information and help your neighbor or wish your neighbor well and walk away. If you do share your knowledge the it is up to your neighbor to heed your advice or not; all you can do is be a living testament to your teaching and information.
Scenario 3. You are the chosen care taker of an amazing exotic creature. Besides taking your breath away and amazing you daily, this amazing little miracle is bonded to you and depends on you for everything needed to sustain life. Do you look for all the information you can find and research the information you are given from others or do you just ignore all suggestions because you've done it that way for years?
Chances are a bird may survive on a less than desirable diet but it will not thrive and is likely losing years of longevity and suffering damage to their health. On our Facebook forum we advise a healthy diet with balanced nutrition to help heal the damage done by rubbish diets. I continue to do so because I care about birds, so please when someone brings points out a hazard please don't dismiss it out of hand. Take the time to research it and consider the benefits for your bird.